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HzVATVersion 3 of HzVAT
HzVAT is a comprehensive tool that provides a jurisdiction specific database of plans, information and documents which can be accessed via the World Wide Web. This on-line application consists of several modules which greatly enhance your capabilities by displaying essential planning and preparedness documents. These include, but are not limited to, a Hazard Analysis, Chemical Risk Ratings, Local Emergency Operations Plans, Mitigation Plan, and Foreign Animal Disease (FAD) plans for a state, county, or other jurisdictional entity. HzVAT makes all documents easily accessible by the whole team in one location!

Having all this information in one location is only one of the powerful components of the application. In addition, each module can be edited in real-time directly from the your web browser! Imagine the ability to access, change, or edit information on-the-fly, whenever the need occurs. Any Microsoft Office document may also be uploaded to the plans so that all users have access to the latest version of virtually any document. All that’s needed is access to the Internet! For a more thorough view of the application, call us, and we can arrange to do an on-line, hands-on, demonstration at your convenience.

The application has several other effective features that make it easy to manage this information.

  • Controlled access to modules by username
  • Print to PDF format
  • Ability to do on-line review and comment
  • Upload new pictures and photos
  • Required text is pre-inserted
  • Seamless access to information anywhere in the world

The following is a screenshot of a typical County Profile section in the Hazard Analysis Reporting Tool (HzART).


HzVAT is organized by modules which each represent a key component for planning and preparedness. As always, each module strives to represent an “all hazards” approach so that it complements the others. This approach allows for a consistent flow of information and analysis to strengthen the planning and preparedness process. Following is a brief explanation of the most commonly used modules.

HzARTHzART(Hazard Analysis Reporting Tool) - The backbone of the LEOP and many other plans. HzART provides the full range of information needed to identify risks, assess vulnerability, and prioritize the resulting information.

HzChRTHzChRT(Hazardous Chemical Risk Rating Tool) - The Tier II chemical inventory and risk rating module. The chemical inventory is editable and recalculates in real time.

EOPLEOP (Local Emergency Operations Plan) - The Local Emergency Operations Plan is critical for preparedness and response. LEOP covers the topics required by NIMS and incorporates any state or local requirements also.

MitigationHzMit (Hazard Mitigation Plan) - The FEMA required mitigation plan can be tied directly to the Hazard Analysis. HzMit based plans have been submitted for review and have met the FEMA crosswalk requirements.

FADHzFAD (Foreign Animal Disease Plan) - The HzFAD module is aimed exclusively at the local level, especially that first 48 to 72 hours. HzFAD is comprehensive and includes potential actions and strategies, including disease specific personnel protection.

CFSCFS (Commodity Flow Study) - The hazardous materials commodity flow study provides key planning information on the movement of materials in the jurisdiction. This aids in prioritizing planning issues and potential mitigation projects.

EFM Integrated, LLC

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September 11, 2001